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Various options for greening fruit tree applications

 二維碼 253

1. Urban road greening

Starting from the requirements of maintenance and management, the ideal selection criteria for street tree species should be strong adaptability and low pests and diseases; starting from the requirements of landscape effect, the ideal selection criteria should be tall branches and long-lasting landscape. Therefore, walnut and persimmon trees are generally used as greening fruit trees in urban road greening.



2. Greening of parks and scenic spots

Parks and scenic spots are a highly comprehensive field of garden design, with aesthetics and leisure as the main purpose, and the choice space is wider. You can choose a large number of green fruit tree varieties with long flowering period and bright colors, such as peach and crabapple. The space of parks and scenic spots is relatively open, and a single tree species or variety can be used to form an independent area to form an independent landscape for easy management. Dwarf greening fruit trees can replace herbs and flowers in flower ponds. They not only have good greening effect, but are also easy to manage.

3. Landscaping in residential areas

As the level of greening design in residential areas continues to improve, its greening area and greening effect have become one of the main concerns of people. The advantages of greening fruit trees in residential area greening have become prominent. Greening fruit trees not only has a good ornamental effect, but also provides residents with the joy of ripening fruits. The greening design of residential areas is based on humanization. In terms of application, greening fruit tree varieties that are beautiful and easy to manage should be selected. While providing residents with a good landscape environment, it also reduces maintenance and management costs. For example, when selecting tree species, you can choose winter red fruit, which has a long fruiting period, is cold-resistant, and salt-alkali resistant, and is more suitable for the soil environment in residential areas; pomegranates are brightly colored and have beautiful flowers and fruits that can be viewed in all seasons, and they are particularly fruitful in late autumn. The pomegranates are numerous and high-hanging, and the amount of pruning required for greening is small; the pomegranates have an excellent tree shape and a large branching range. While viewing flowers and fruits, their foliage effects are also more prominent.



4. Courtyard landscaping

Today, when people's material living standards have greatly improved, having a private courtyard is not a luxury. At this time, green fruit trees play a unique and irreplaceable role. The courtyard is a private space. Planting green fruit trees in it is not only beautiful, but also allows you to experience the joy of harvest and taste the fruits of labor whenever the fruits mature. It can fully create a harmonious and beautiful atmosphere in the family. Sometimes a green fruit tree can leave a lifetime of wonderful memories for the family! In the selection of tree species, priority should be given to tree species or varieties with good edible fruits. For example, you can choose peach trees such as Mantianhong and Golden Beauty, which are good for flower viewing and have edible fruits; persimmon trees and walnut trees have high trunks and large crowns, which can provide good shading effects. It occupies a small area and does not affect the usable area of ??the courtyard; grapes and other vines are often used on the porch frame to provide shade. It is very comfortable to store cars and have dinners under the frame. When gardening in the courtyard, be careful not to plant thorny green fruit tree varieties to prevent children from being harmed.

5. Indoor greening

There are not many applications of green fruit trees in indoor greening. However, with the in-depth research and promotion of green fruit tree potting technology, the number of potted green fruit trees on the market is increasing, which greatly enriches the choice of indoor greening in homes and some halls. Green fruit trees can enter thousands of households, and the emergence of mobile orchards and balcony orchards will satisfy many urbanites' yearning for harvesting fruits in person.
